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文字の起源と拡張 the origin and extension of letters



河東丈二  Joji Kawahigashi
















Common questions that come up when discussing the origin and extension of letters

Is the question of what letters are, and when and where they were born.

Also, human beings only have positive evaluations obtained by owning letters.

At the same time, isn't it stripping away something that was originally essential to human existence?

You should ask.

It is said that the first thought of the origin of "characters" in human history is the pictograms that began to be used in the Sumerian city of Uruk in West Asia around 3200 BC.

Around 3000 BC, the character system such as wedge-shaped characters of Mesopotamian civilization and hieroglyphs of Egypt (hieroglyphs) developed to follow suit.

The history of letters is short in human history

The appearance of letters is something that has only recently been made in human history.

Mankind has evolved from the monkey man of human ancestors who appeared 5-4 million BC, and became able to be the same as us today 10,000 BC, and eventually invented letters.

From the beginning of human history to the time when human beings leave history with letters, 99% of them have no history with letters.

The history before it is written in letters is called prehistoric times, and after the records are left in letters, it is called recorded history.

The trajectory of humankind has become "history" by being recorded in "characters".

Exploring the origin of letters can be said to be the beginning of human history.

According to one theory, people's behavior has become moral since the letters were created.













The origin of letters varies from region to region

Prehistoric and historical eras begin with letters, and the origins of letters are different.

This is because the invention of letters is related to the development of civilization and there are regional differences.

The earliest historical eras began with the Mesopotamian, Indus, Yellow River, and Egyptian civilizations of the four ancient world civilizations.

The prototype of the wedge-shaped letters was derived from the fact that a clay ball "token", which represents the number of Sumerian daily necessities and agricultural products, was pressed against a clay tablet to represent the number as a symbol.

Eventually, instead of using tokens, by drawing a pattern with the same shape as the token on a clay tablet and adding lines, it evolved to express not only numbers but also the meaning of things and syllables.

Wedge-shaped letters have been expanded to other languages ​​such as Akkadian, Frill, and Hittite.

Reading and writing letters was very important in Egyptian civilization, and education on secretaries was enthusiastic.

If you can read hieroglyphs, you can serve pharaohs and dignitaries.

To establish the position of a clerk who can read and write letters, hieroglyphs have evolved into esoteric ones, which were originally difficult to learn.

It is said that the most peculiar character in the history of the world, "Kanji(Hanji means Chinese characters)", was invented from the "甲骨文字(Kokotsumoji means inscriptions on animal bones and tortoise carapaces.) " carved on the shell of a Chinese turtle around the 13th century BC. It's not clear yet.

It has been studied that it may have evolved due to the influence of wedge-shaped characters due to its late occurrence, but the exact value is not yet known.











Origin of Japanese characters

It is said that the boundary between the prehistoric and historical eras in Japan is from the Yayoi period to the Kofun period.

Japanese appears in documents such as the Chinese Wei Zhi Yajinden( The Records of Three kingdoms Book of Wei Chapter Encounter with Dongyi Section about Woren )and the Chinese book Geography, but since it is a Chinese document, it cannot be said to be the historical era of Japan, and the exact time is unknown.

Japanese is one of the isolated languages ​​because the systematic relationship is not well understood. Although it is thought to be the same as Kanji, it is strongly influenced by distribution such as notation and pronunciation, but it is not linguistically recognized as the same system.

It is said that the kanji was introduced from China around the 4th and 5th centuries, and the kanji was improved to be easier to use and understand with time and became the regular script that is still used around the 6th and 10th centuries.

Eventually, Hiragana and Katakana were created and evolved into the current Japanese language.

Hawaii had no letters until recently

In Hawaii, indigenous peoples formed a culture without letters.

He didn't have letters until James Cook discovered the Big Island of Hawaii and was told by an American missionary around the 19th century that all vowels and consonants were represented by independent letters, the alphabet.

In other words, the historical era of Hawaii began only about 200 years ago.












Information transmission method that is not text

The exception to the origin of the characters is the Inca civilization. The Inca civilization does not have a written record but keeps a record by a method called keep (a knotted record).

Keep is a mechanism that conveys information by the number and shape of knots.

Keep is not a letter, but the record of keeping is certainly there.

Unlike other characters, it is not recorded in characters, but it is counted as a historical era because "the era when it was recorded by keeping" cannot be classified as a prehistoric era.

Also, it was thought that the keep showed only numbers, but in recent years it has been analyzed that it may have been used as letters and letters, and research is progressing every day.

Hieroglyphs living in the present age

The Dongba symbols, a character used by the Nakhi ethnic minority in China, is a hieroglyph used in modern times like no other in the world. It is the only character in the world whose meaning changes depending on the color, and black has meant such as evil and yellow has meant such as money.

Also, unlike the hieroglyphs that existed in ancient times, the Dongba characters are cute and can be seen by modern people.

When I'm having trouble with the number of characters, I wonder what the Dongba characters can do.

The story and history are spun by the letters, and it is written by "the person who lived in that place at that time" and is also living proof.












However, I would like to consider what kind of evolution the characters are.

The linguistic humans, who acquired vowels in South African caves 66,000 years ago, then moved north on the African continent, and 50,000 years ago, only a small portion crossed the strait at the southern tip of the Red Sea to the Eurasian continent. .. The number is estimated to be about 200. Perhaps the Sinai Peninsula was dominated by Neanderthals and could not be reached.

Genetic analysis reveals that the people who now live outside Africa are the offspring of these 200 people. In other words, there was a bottleneck of genetic diversity 50,000 years ago. This is the definitive proof of the "Modern African Origin of Modern Theory".

Born in South Africa and spread all over the world, linguistic humans have spent more than 60,000 years without letters. Letters are not a necessity for humans to live.

Some African cave paintings of the San people have simplified the appearance of animals like line art, but they have not evolved into letters. The Lascaux murals in Europe also do not produce letters.

There is also a theory that the characters were born in the Mesopotamia region 5000 years ago.

The Mesopotamia region is a land created by the accumulation of earth and sand in the sea between the two continents after the Gondwana continent collided with the Eurasian continent. The elevation map clearly shows that the fertile land is surprisingly flat and well-watered. A large plain without hills spreads over 1000km north-south and 200-400km east-west.

Farming began in this area 9000 years ago. The dynasty was born against the background of abundant productivity, and to control the vast land beyond human sensory and memory abilities, a system for sharing memory outside the brain was needed, and letters were created. Let's go.

The letters were created by the synergistic effect of the dynasty's willingness to control the space-time of human activity and the vast plains beyond cognitive ability. Compared to voice, which has a limited propagation distance and disappears in less than a second, the stability that is ubiquitous in space-time is the true value of letters.

Grammar was generative (spontaneous) in both generation and acquisition, but letters were artificial in both generation and acquisition. In other words, letters were generated policy-wise due to the circumstances of the dynasty, and the educational system of schools and cram schools is indispensable for individuals to acquire letters (learn reading and writing).

In ancient times, bureaucrats and priests monopolized the letters, and the general public did not know the utility of the letters.




Letters are the second linguistic evolution following syllables, and literacy gives humans external extended memory, which creates civilization.

Ancient civilizations occurred in the Mesopotamia region, the Indus-Ganges basin, as well as the Nile and Yellow River deltas. For this reason, it has traditionally been thought that "rich productivity is the civilization, and the civilization produced the characters," but the opposite was true.

As a result of the surplus of agricultural production giving birth to the dynasty and the dynasty creating letters, humans began to write down knowledge as text information, and the next generation inherited it, resulting in rapid technological accumulation and development called civilization.






Civilization is a linguistic phenomenon.

Initially created for governance, as the number of literate people increased, it allowed people to share knowledge and wisdom at the same time and pass it on overtime. The knowledge that had disappeared in the graveyard when humans died until then was shared with people of later generations at the same time, and further development was achieved.

Civilization is a cumulative and accelerated technological progress as a result of the inheritance of knowledge through textual information. "Phenomenon in which human beings have become immortal due to folklore by letters" can be called civilization.

Even if the next generation is bad, even if there is a war, the textual information will be transmitted over time as semen stored frozen. Due to civilization as a linguistic phenomenon, dugout canoe became large passenger ships and aircraft, and signal smoke evolved into an e-mail.

Until now, this mechanism of technological development has been overlooked.

















Why Mohenjo-Daro perished

Civilization is a linguistic phenomenon created by the inheritance and development of textual information.

Letters are selected based on political judgment, and individuals learn to read and write through the educational system. Civilization is an organism that is created, developed, and died in a certain space-time based on those policies and institutions. It can be said that it is a living organism.

An educational curriculum and school system are not enough for all members of society to have literacy and basic academic ability. Also, it is necessary for society to be peaceful and have a certain sense of unity.

In that case, the civilized space will expand at once in the same era. In other words, it creates the "synchronicity" of civilization.

Also, once literary works, dictionaries, and orthography (pronunciation and spelling rules) are established as linguistic assets, linguistic information can be inherited from the past and passed on to the future. In other words, the "timeliness" of civilization becomes possible.

There are the Mohenjo-Daro ruins, which are the site of the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization. This is the largest city ruin of the Indus Valley Civilization, with well-organized streets, sewage facilities, and a huge pool, which shows the aftermath of detailed city planning.

It prospered between 2500 and 1800 BC and is said to have suddenly collapsed. The cause of the collapse is a mystery. There are various theories, such as due to war and meteorite impact, but none of them are persuasive.

I think "the linguistic inheritance has ceased and civilization has stalled."

Egyptian hieroglyphs and Mesopotamian cuneiforms have been deciphered, but Indus has not yet been deciphered.

Among the artifacts excavated from the Indus Valley Civilization, the only one with letters is said to be a seal. Moreover, the font is unevenly written, which is not good at the compliment.

In Mesopotamia, students practice writing and there are clay tablets that the teacher has modified, but the Indus Valley Civilization does not.

In the Indus Valley Civilization, the clerk's family or senior caste might have monopolized the letters and did not spread reading and writing. Perhaps it was not understood to be a suicide act for civilization.

If language assets are monopolized, there will be insufficient manpower to write down the language information that should be conveyed, and human resources who can read what is written will not grow. As a result, it became impossible to maintain the status quo, let alone the cumulative evolution of technology, and civilization stalled and perished.

Civilization inherits properly and will perish if it does not develop. In the 20th century, we created quantum mechanics, which explains invisible phenomena as microphysics, and molecular biology, which elucidates biological phenomena at the nucleic acid/amino acid level.

However, we have not yet established a way to inherit them correctly.


Every year in Japanese, buzzwords come out and history is spun. I would like to keep an antenna for sentences and letters and utilize them in my work


























It's out of the question of letters,

Wine and beer were made by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia and later spread to Syria and surrounding areas and were introduced to ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. In the clay tablets excavated from the ruins of the Sumerian civilization, there are cases where the words "wine" and "beer" were not the Sumerian cuneiform characters but the characters of a different system.

The prosperous ancient Roman Empire also showed signs of decline in the 3rd century, and by the time it reached the 4th century, it had repeatedly strayed, such as dividing its territory into east and west. Meanwhile, the Germanic people began to move from the north and eventually invaded the empire. The already incapacitated Western Roman Empire disappears in 476.

"From now on, it's our time"

The bloody Germanic people must have thought this. However, some of them were calm, and while looking up at the temples and aqueducts built by the Romans, they might have thought this.

"We don't have this kind of technology"

The medieval European world where the Germanic people stood on the front stage of history. However, the turmoil of the great movement lasted for centuries, and the advanced urban infrastructure left by the Romans was devastated. People were forced to live in simple rural areas that were nearly self-sufficient. Christianity was the spiritual foundation of that era.

Christianity, which became the state religion of Rome in the 4th century after a long period of persecution, continued to spread at the grassroots level, and the converted Germanic Frank Kingdom merged the tribes at the end of the 5th century. In 800, Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope, establishing the Western European world of Christianity and Germanic connections. As a result, church facilities were built in various places, and in the monastery, monks who refused to associate with the world lived together in prayer and labor. Their important activity was beer brewing.

"But beer is bitter, too bitter"

It is uncertain whether the silent monk made such a tweet. However, some came to evangelize from the Mediterranean world to the Germanic society far north and ended their monastic life there. It's no wonder they're confused by the beer they're not used to. Furthermore, Brother who resonated with his tweet "Like" would not have been one or two. And it's easy to imagine that the well-educated people would have had such an exchange sooner or later.

"Let's reexamine the composition of medicinal herbs from scratch"

"How nice!"

Regardless of what it is, beer finally begins to evolve and develop in the medieval European world. That is an unmistakable fact, and history proves it.

Wine brewing first appeared in the literature around 5000 BC.

The oldest literary work of the Mesopotamian civilization, the Epic of Gilgamesh, written by the Sumerians about what happened around this time, states that wine was served to workers involved in the construction of ships as part of flood control. I am.

Also, a stone mill, which is thought to be a tool for squeezing the juice necessary for winemaking, was discovered in the ruins that are believed to date from around 5000 BC.

This is one of the factors that suggest that wine brewing began around 5000 BC. Also, there are traces of vineyards used to grow grapes that are the source of wine.

Also, even in Egypt, which is close to Mesopotamia, it is believed that wine was made in the 4000s BC, as tools for making wine were drawn on murals.

Beer brewing began at this time, but wine seems to have been a luxury item compared to beer.

The wine was a high-class category, and the general public was drinking beer.

It was women who served and traded wine and beer.

According to the Code of Hammurabi, if you cheat the amount of alcohol, you will be sentenced to death! !! !!

Did you laugh at the death penalty if you cheated on the last amount of alcohol?

I was often cheated on my business trip to Korea ...






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