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Florence in Italy around this time, the head of the Medici family, Cosimo, who was once chased by political opponents, returned and began dictatorship. At that time Italy had five major powers: Milan, Venice, Florence, the Papal States, and the Kingdom of Naples, but Cosimo of Florence argues that the other four powers "let's stop the war with each other". This is the famous 1454 Treaty of Lodi.
The reason for this year is that the Ottoman Empire captured Constantinople the previous year and the Roman Empire was destroyed. And the Hundred Years War ended with the victory of France, and England lost all the territory of the continent, leaving only Calias.
Under such circumstances, Kosimo said, "Don't have time to break up with friends. When the Ottoman dynasty arrives, They'll do it." Everyone thought, "Yes." As a result, peace lasts for about 50 years in Italy. It was during this peaceful period that the Italian Renaissance was ready.
On the other hand, what happened to England? Unfortunately, Henry VI also suffers from mental illness. Henry VI is from the Lancaster family, but the York family, who also branched off from Edward III, insisted that "it would be better to have a king out of us," and the royal family split into two and killed each other for 30 years.
Henry VII, who was born in the Lancaster family and opened the Tudor dynasty, was the last to survive in the last 30 years of killing each other. By the time this man won the last war and became king, the aristocrats were almost heroic in the civil war. The result is an absolute monarchy by Henry VII in England.
Henry VII was a person with a mysterious fate. Henry V died so early that Queen Catherine became a widow at a young age. She was married to England, so she naturally lived in England, but she's a French princess and Henry VI's mother, so she's still young, If she's easily remarried, It will be in trouble. It will be confusing when a child is born.
That's why she's put under house arrest, but a straightforward Welsh guardian, Owen Tudor, captures Catherine's heart and gives birth to a baby between them. The baby's grandson is Henry VII, so he calls it the Tudor dynasty. So Nobody knows what fate will happen, and that's why history is so interesting.
In the Medici family, Cosimo's grandson Lorenzo succeeded the patriarch in 1469, but by this time the Medici bank has declined. Lorenzo holds various festivals in Florence, but he doesn't have the money, so he modifies the public money in Florence and enriches the public money.
In France, which won the Hundred Years War, Louis XI, a child of Charles VII, took the throne in 1461. This person was born a conspiracy lover.
In France at that time, there was a powerful person named the Burgundy Kuge, a relative of the royal family. Not only Burgundy, famous for its wine but also the Benelux and Flanders region for marriage. Flanders is a woolen-producing region and was the richest region in Europe at that time. So the territory of the King of France is larger, but probably about the same in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The 4th generation Charles took over the Burgundy Kuge. This Charles longed for the spirit of chivalry and had the idea that the prince should take the lead in the army and defeat his enemies. The two great powers of France were succeeded by one who was a conspiracy theorist and the other who was like the incarnation of the chivalry spirit.
What happened as a result? In 1477, Charles was killed in action in Nancy in a war with the Swiss Pacts (the prototype of Switzerland). Exactly as he was called "Rush Duke", he rushed and died. Of course, this war was also led by Louis XI on the side of the Swiss Confederacy, but Louis XI occupies Burgundy, saying, "The prey died on its own."
Louis XI also tries to occupy Flanders, which was the territory of the Burgundy Kuge. However, in reality, Charles' only daughter Maria was engaged to Maximilian I of the Habsburgs. As a result, the Habsburgs win the Flemish.
From here, the famous saying, "Leave the war to another family. Fortunately Austria, thou shalt marry" is born. In short, it was common sense at the time to wage war and expand the territory, but the Habsburgs were married to the only daughter of the Duke of Burgundy, so they could own Flandre entirely. This is where the good luck of the Habsburgs begins.
In Spain, the Kingdom of Spain was born by the marriage of Isabel of Castilla and Fernando of Aragon. And in 1492, he dropped the Alhambra and ousted the Muslims.
These two were working hard on Reconquista, a movement to expel Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula. You thought, "The Roman Church is right. Paganism is not good." Therefore, when the Muslims are driven out of Spain, the Jews who have paid for the war expenses of this Reconquista will be banished from Spain because the next is Jews.
The Jews were in charge of the financial economy of the Kingdom of Spain, so the country will be weakened if such a thing is done. However, these two people make a mistake because they thought that religion was more important. Even though the country has declined, the two are very pleased to be given the title of "Catholic Monarchs" by the Pope. But from here Spain is on the decline.