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ハドリアヌス帝の回想 Mémoires D’Hadrian



『ハドリアヌス帝の回想』            河東 丈二 Joji Kawahigashi








 とはいえその内省の深さや、世界と人生を見る眼の「冷酷ではない冷徹さ」は、経験と歳月を重ねた老境の人間だけが到達しうる深淵を備えていることに変わりはない。だからもし私たちが、外見や肩書きによってではなく、このような深遠な知恵に達したもののことを「王者」と呼ぶことにするのならば、ハドリアヌスの回想は、やはり偉大な皇帝の回想だと言っていいのではなかろうか? 人類の青年期を輝かせた大帝国ローマの平和は、このような男によってこそ維持され得たのであった。








Marguerite Yourcenar “Mémoires D’Hadrian” (Memoirs of Hadrian)

By Joji Kawahigashi

A masterpiece by Marguerite Yourcenar who wrote many historical novel

based on her broad knowledge of Greek and Roman culture. Yourcenar

Gained worldwide fame with this work which was conceived when the writer

was 20 years old. It was completed at the age of 48 after a period of abandonment.

Yourcenar was a French novelist whose parents were descendants of a

French aristocrat and a Belgian aristocrat. It is a historical novel that seems

To be a memory of her previous life.

This book is a biographical novel that illuminates life from the inside, in

the form of a memoir written by the Roman emperor Hadrian to the young

man Marcus Aurelius, who was the second emperor.

Yourcenar portrays a world that no one else can enter, such as a recollec-

tion of a young man who was supposed to be the successor to the

Roman emperor of the world’s largest empire at the time an inner con-

Session. By eliminating the complicated lyrical poetry and writing only

the record facts and the minimum of emotion can be boring if one mis-

Take is made. It is dressed in a calm color that seems to be of a middle

aged man about to die. However, because of its restrained

writing style, it has the effect of giving a strong impression to Hadrian’s

emotions, which are sometimes expressed in concise sentences?.

At the age of 60, Roman emperor Hadrian wrote a memoir about his life

to a young 17 year old Marcus (later Emperor Marcus Aurelius) who

hoped to succeed him.

Hadrian, who was active as an officer under Emperor Trajan, became the

new emperor after the death of Trajan, with the intervention and support of Empress Protina. Hadrian, who eliminated

the plots of the aristocrats and put his reign on track, traveled to various

places and promoted the reform of the administrative organization while

governing from Rome under the policy of peace (Pace Romano).

Hadrian mourned the loss his homosexual partner Antinious by suicide.

He wonders if another favorite, Lucius, should be appointed as the

Emperor’s successor. After Lucius died of illness Emperor Hadrian closes

His recollection with a quiet wait for death.

I am wondering if it is correct to summarize this work with the words “re-

collection of the emperor”. For this is a recollection of the emperor and it

is not. In the most superficial sense that Hadrian was the emperor it is

therefore an emperor’s recollection. However, what is recollected here is

not something unique to the job or the title of the emperor. War and politics

for example, do appear, but only after being filtered by the inner( human )side

of Hadrian. youthful ambitions, the death of a beloved young man, the

worries of choosing a successor, and the preparation of his mind to accept

death. It is on those personal things that Hadrian’s recollections wander.

What is at stake is the itinerary of the spirit of a man whom happened to live

as an emperor. This is not the recollection of the emperor, but the recollection

of a man who lived, loved and suffered.

However, the depth of introspection and the”non-ruthless coldness” of the

eyes that see the world and life abyss that only experienced and old people

can reach.

So if we decide to call those who have reached such profound wisdom “kings” rather than by appearance or title, than Hadrian’s recollection is still a recollection of a

great emperor. . Isn’t it okay to say that? The peace of the

great empire Rome, which made this human adolescence

shine, could only be maintained by such a man.

The decisive difference between Hadrian’s life and someone

else’s life is that as an emperor, Hadrian cannot even die as a

personal activity. Usually, the accumulated years and ex-

periences make humans feel dead and leads to introspection

and recollection. His work will inevitably turn him into himself

(inward) and keep him in loneliness. In that way one gradually accepts old age and death. But Hadrian is not allowed to follow such a normal process. He has political affairs, military and personnel reshuffling work. His worries , his illness, his injuries are of

(no)? concern to the Roman Empire. The episode about

Odeon, a doctor who died without being able to defy his

doctor duties, while promising Hadrian to formulate a poison

for suicide, is symbolic. The emperor is not even allowed

the freedom to commit suicide.

Hadrian, surrounded by a large entourage, was forced to be

lonely and rejected in a sense. From this entire recollection

we will read that Hadrian is always surrounded by people but is tremendously lonely. Hadrian had no choice but to face

death and loneliness and accept, only through his introspection and his recollections. This is why Hadrian’s recollections are even more intensely lonely

Especially the latter half, from the death of his favorite Antonius

to the choice of his successor and the feeling of welcoming death, is a masterpiece. This can be viewed as an

expression of Hadrian’s process of facing death step by step through his inner itinerary. This recollection may have an indi-

sensible rite of passage for Hadrian, who cannot escape from the emperor’s duty to find the power to accept old age and death.

The person who worships is much more lonely than the person who is worshipped. This is because

he must carry the feelings of others on his back and live.

The life of the emperor was probably a life in which he had to carry some of the feelings of others. At least if you want to be a wise emperor. To be emperor is a heavy task. Hadrian limited and accepted his life in this special position as emperor. It limits one’s potential one by one in a limited

situation, and whatever the outcome, by accumulating irreplaceable one-time decisions, one traces ? in the world and in one’s own life. It is a work of such power that is willing to accept the carving of traces of experience.

Joji the above passage in parentheses has to be rewritten. Maybe replace the verb carving.

It is the “power of maturity and acceptance”, the power given only to those who calmly accept old age and death. The

brilliant clarity and depth of this biographical novel probably is due to the power of Hadrian’s deep maturity.

“A little soul, a wandering soul, you are a guest and a companion to my body, you are now going down to that place that is pale, hard and exposed. That place where you must

give up the play of the old days….Let’s look at it together for a while. Things that will never be seen again on this close shore…Let’s try to walk into death with our eyes open..”

The presence of this sentence (paragraph) that concludes the end of the recollection is overwhelming. At the end of a long journey, this confession of quiet resignation and satisfaction of a human being who is finally unloading his life is no longer the emperor’s, but the solemn wisdom of a dying human being. In this way, Memoirs of Hadrian is an unrivaled biographical novel that takes the form of a Roman emperor’s memoirs and at the same time leads to the universal theme s of humankind.





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