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 1793年にはイングランドのマカートニーという使節が乾隆帝に接見して、「交易をもっとさせてください。広東だけではお茶も絹も十分に手に入りません」と誓願した有名な会見が行われているのですが、このときに乾隆帝は「会ってやるだけでも感謝しろ。中国には山ほどお前たちが欲しいものはあるが、お前たちの国で中国が欲しいものが何かあるか? 何もないだろう。そんな国が対等の立場で貿易したいなんて、バカも休み休み言え」と言って追い返しているわけですね。だから、この時期に至っても、まだそれぐらい中国とヨーロッパの間には格差があったということだと思います。


England's tactical strategy of "divide and rule"

Around this time, China was in the era of the Qianlong Emperor. Emperor Qianlong was a very luxurious emperor and had a lot of money. He travels all over China six times on a emperor trip. Along the way, he says, "I want to eat something good." Then, there were a lot of people who respected, so the origin of the Chinese feast of collecting all the better Manchu and Han Chinese feasts called "Manchu-Han Imperial Feast " is completed here.

At that time, He was looking for something rare from all over the world, but He was lucky to be in Japan. This is because we were able to export bales such as dried abalone from Nagasaki. So is shark fin. Behind the birth of all Manchu-Han Imperial Feast was the luxury of Qianlong Emperor and the circumstances of Japan, where gold and silver mines were depleted and there was nothing to sell to foreign countries.

China opened Guangdong in 1757, and in 1759, Xinjiang Uighur became the territory, and the population exceeded 200 million.

England, which expelled France from India in the Seven Years' War, will continue to attack India through the East India company. In 1767, the war begins with a battle between the country of Mysore about South India. This war has been fought four times. Then, in 1775, England opened a battle with the Maratha Confederation over the Deccan Plateau. They also did this 3 times. Looking at the process of England's territorialization of India, they are all fighting three or four times instead of one war.

The reason is that England is overwhelmingly superior in weapons, and there are modern cannons, so if you do a little war, you will win at first. But the other party also desperately resists. Moreover, there are many soldiers. So, if you win a little, you should stop the first war first. Then the other party lost, so they started to argue with who was responsible. If you lose almost anything, you will take responsibility for someone. It's hard if you fail at work. You will be held responsible for what is wrong with you and who is wrong with you.

If there was a breakup, England would move to the weaker side. And the war begins again. If you win, you stop again, and if your opponent breaks up, you put your shoulders on the weaker side and finally beat them all. Is it sly or clever? If you do your best, you may be able to win once, but it will also cause great damage, so if you hit it a little, stop it immediately to minimize the damage, and when the enemy breaks up, you will get a mess. By repeating such a thing several times, the other party is finally destroyed.

You may have heard the phrase "divide and rule", but it's an English specialty, and it's really good. That's why they go to war many times.

China has a population of over 300 million in 1790. Not only did this hide the declaration, but the population grew as South America brought in a lot of corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes in the late 16th century. In other words, thanks to South America, thanks to the Columbus exchange.

In 1793, an envoy named Macartney of England met with Qianlong Emperor and held a famous conference vowing, "Please let me trade more. We cannot get enough tea and silk in Cantonese alone." At this time, Emperor Qianlong said, "Thanks to me for meeting You. There are a lot of things you want in China, but what do I want in your country?" I don't think there is any. If such a country wants to trade on an equal footing, As for the fool, do not be silly. " Therefore, I think that even at this time, there was still that much disparity between China and Europe.

Qianlong Emperor, along with Louis XIV, fell during a long reign. After the death of Emperor Qianlong, his aide, Heshen was ousted, but when examined his house, found that He had accumulated personal assets for about 10 years in the national treasury. How terrible he was, but the amount would be extraordinary. Even if the bribe of China is amazing, it may not be a big deal compared to the old tradition.





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