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㊽16世紀 ポルトガルの台頭     河東丈二







16th century: The rise of Portugal

While Europe was in the Renaissance for a while, Ismail of the Safavid Order in Iran defeated the Akkoyunli dynasty and founded the Safavid dynasty of Persia. This great empire inspired Selim I of the Ottoman dynasty, and the Battle of Chaldiran took place in 1514. The Battle of Bashkent was reenacted here, and the Safavid cavalry was defeated by the Ottoman dynasty's guns and infantry, making it clear that the age of guns had begun.

In Portugal, the governor of India named Albuquerque occupied Goa in India in 1510. This Albuquerque was an extremely clever man. First of all, the reason why the Mamluk dynasty of Egypt flourished was because they transported Indian products to Egypt via the Red Sea, and from there, in alliance with Venice, they shipped goods to Europe. For the Mamluk dynasty, the route from India through Aden at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula to Alexandria was a lifeline.

It was Albuquerque who set his sights on this money-making route. He fought a combined fleet of the Mamluks and Indians off the coast of Diu, India, and won, controlling all the starting points of the sea route from Asia to Europe, namely Malacca, Aden, and the Strait of Hormuz, with his own warships. This marked the beginning of the Portuguese era.

In Europe, the countries of Austria, Hungary, and Poland, which were located north of the Ottoman Empire, also armed themselves with guns in order to counter the growing power of the Ottoman Empire. As a result, the Ottoman Empire, Hungary, Austria, and Poland were formed on the grassland road where cavalry corps had been galloping in one go from the Mongolian Plateau through Ukraine to the Great Hungarian Plain, and as these countries were all armed with guns, walls were built and the grassland road was closed off. It was at this point that Europe was isolated for the first time, and the world view known as "Europe" was formed. Guns greatly changed history.

After splitting up, the Timurid Empire in Central Asia was attacked by various powers and fell into disarray. A man named Babur, who succeeded the Timurid dynasty, tried many times to recapture Samarkand, but was ultimately unsuccessful. After pondering, "I can no longer recapture Samarkand or Herat, the lands of my ancestors, how should I survive?", he entered India. This was the Mughal dynasty. Mughal means Mongolia. So, in reality, it was the Timurid dynasty. In other words, the great empire that Timur's clan created in India after being driven out of Central Asia was the Mughal dynasty. Some scholars call it the Second Timurid dynasty.

Looking at it this way, the old Mongolian world empire was divided into five parts: Ming China, Mughal India, Safavid Persia, Russia, and the Ottoman dynasty. It's easier to understand if you think of the old Mongolian world empire as having split into five great Asian empires in the 16th century.



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