joji Kawahigashi
Returning to Europe, the plague is all the rage and two ideas are born. One is, "If so many people die, we must pray to God more and more." This is the idea of "Memento Mori" (think of death). The other is the opposite idea, "If you die so easily, you have to play while you are alive." The latter idea gives birth to Boccaccio's "The Decameron". "Even if you pray, you may die, so it's better to eat meal." This prepares the Renaissance.
In Germany, after the interregnum, the Habsburgs Rudolf became the king of Germany, but the Habsburgs were quiet at first, so the power of the princes became stronger. It is extremely lucky for a city-state to not have a powerful kingship like the Saxony, Salian, or Hohenstaufen dynasties. The lack of great power in Germany makes the Hanseatic League, which originated in the commercial alliance formed by the cities of Lübeck and Hamburg in 1358, larger.
At its peak, the Hanseatic League covered more than 200 cities from Russia to England, but its power came from rock salt from Lüneburg near Lübeck and a ton of cod around Norway. .. By combining salt and cod to complete the salting technique, it was made easier to preserve, and it became a global product and sold hard.
Until then, there was no salting technique, so all the fish in Europe were freshwater fish. It's the same as in China today. The Hanseatic League has made it possible to eat sea fish freely.
When the Hanseatic League grew, it was cheeky, and a war broke out with Denmark, which tried to set up a strait barrier and collect taxes. The victory of the Hanseatic Army over Denmark in 1370 triggered the prosperity of the Hanseatic League. No matter how many products you have, if you get rid of all the taxes, no one will pay. From here, the battle between the Hanseatic League and Denmark and the Nordic countries begins.
In 1377, the Pope was finally able to return to Rome from Avignon in the era of Pope Gregory XI.
And in 1396, the Battle of Nicopolis will take place. At first, the small Turkish country of the Ottoman Empire, which was born on the Anatolian Peninsula, cannot grow easily due to the large number of Turkish countries on the Anatolian Peninsula, so I moved to the Balkan Peninsula and started building the country there. As a Turkish heathen country began to form on the European side, the Hungarian king felt a sense of crisis, saying, "I have to hit this." There, he fought the Ottoman Empire at Nicopolis, but was completely defeated. Taking this opportunity, the Ottoman dynasty began to expand its power.
Around that time, Timur, who created a great empire in Central Asia, headed for the Anatolian Peninsula with that momentum after dropping Delhi, India. Eventually there will be a conflict between the two suns, the Ottoman and Timurid dynasties.
At the end of the 14th century, a man named Giovanni di Bicci moved the Medici Bank, which was a small business in Rome, to Florence. The big bank in Florence was crushed by the Hundred Years War, so it was the Blue Ocean of the Renaissance. Norway, Denmark and Sweden in Scandinavia form the Kalmar Union. This is an attempt to cooperate and collect taxes from Hanseatic ships passing through the Straits of Zund because one country cannot beat the Hanseatic League. Inspired by the Hanseatic League in this way, the Nordic countries will unite.
The above is the world of the 13th to 14th centuries. In particular, if you look at the 14th century from a broad perspective, you can see that it was a rough era that foresaw the next era due to the influence of the plague.